
#include "Spirit/Transitions.h"

Spin systems are often referred to as “images” throughout Spirit. The idx_image is used throughout the API to specify which system out of the chain a function should be applied to. idx_image=-1 refers to the active image of the chain.


int System_Get_Index(State * state)

Returns the index of the currently active spin system in the chain.


int System_Get_NOS(State * state, int idx_image=-1, int idx_chain=-1)

Returns the number of spins (NOS) of a spin system.


scalar * System_Get_Spin_Directions(State * state, int idx_image=-1, int idx_chain=-1)

Returns a pointer to the spin orientations data.

The array is contiguous and of shape (NOS, 3).


scalar * System_Get_Effective_Field(State * state, int idx_image=-1, int idx_chain=-1)

Returns a pointer to the effective field data.

The array is contiguous and of shape (NOS, 3).


scalar * System_Get_Eigenmode(State * state, int idx_mode, int idx_image=-1, int idx_chain=-1)

Returns a pointer to the data of the N’th eigenmode of a spin system.

The array is contiguous and of shape (NOS, 3).


float System_Get_Rx(State * state, int idx_image=-1, int idx_chain=-1)

Returns the reaction coordinate of a system along the chain.


float System_Get_Energy(State * state, int idx_image=-1, int idx_chain=-1)

Returns the energy of a spin system.


void System_Get_Energy_Array(State * state, float * energies, int idx_image=-1, int idx_chain=-1)

Retrieves the energy contributions of a spin system.


void System_Get_Eigenvalues(State * state, float * eigenvalues, int idx_image=-1, int idx_chain=-1)

Retrieves the eigenvalues of a spin system


void System_Print_Energy_Array(State * state, int idx_image=-1, int idx_chain=-1)

Write the energy as formatted output to the console


void System_Update_Data(State * state, int idx_image=-1, int idx_chain=-1)

Update Data (primarily for plots)


void System_Update_Eigenmodes(State *state, int idx_image=-1, int idx_chain=-1)

Update Eigenmodes (primarily for visualisation or saving)