
#include "Spirit/Transitions.h"

To create a new state with one chain containing a single image, initialized by an input file, and run the most simple example of a spin dynamics simulation:

#import "Spirit/State.h"
#import "Spirit/Simulation.h"

const char * cfgfile = "input/input.cfg";  // Input file
State * p_state = State_Setup(cfgfile);    // State setup
Simulation_LLG_Start(p_state, Solver_SIB); // Start a LLG simulation using the SIB solver
State_Delete(p_state)                      // State cleanup


struct State

The opaque state struct, containing all calculation data.

| State                       |
| +-------------------------+ |
| | Chain                   | |
| | +--------------------+  | |
| | | 0th System ≡ Image |  | |
| | +--------------------+  | |
| | +--------------------+  | |
| | | 1st System ≡ Image |  | |
| | +--------------------+  | |
| |   .                     | |
| |   .                     | |
| |   .                     | |
| | +--------------------+  | |
| | | Nth System ≡ Image |  | |
| | +--------------------+  | |
| +-------------------------+ |

This is passed to and is operated on by the API functions.

A new state can be created with State_Setup(), where you can pass a config file specifying your initial system parameters. If you do not pass a config file, the implemented defaults are used. Note that you currently cannot change the geometry of the systems in your state once they are initialized.


State * State_Setup(const char * config_file = "", bool quiet = false)

Create the State and fill it with initial data.

  • config_file: if a config file is given, it will be parsed for keywords specifying the initial values. Otherwise, defaults are used
  • quiet: if true, the defaults are changed such that only very few messages will be printed to the console and no output files are written


void State_Delete(State * state)

Correctly deletes a State and frees the corresponding memory.


void State_Update(State * state)

Update the state to hold current values.


void State_To_Config(State * state, const char * config_file, const char * original_config_file="")

Write a config file which should give the same state again when used in State_Setup (modulo the number of chains and images)


const char * State_DateTime(State * state)

Returns a string containing the datetime tag (timepoint of creation) of this state.

Format: yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss