This will list the available API functions of the Spirit library.

The API is exposed as a C interface and may thus also be used from other languages, such as Python, Julia or even JavaScript (see ui-web). The API revolves around a simulation State which contains all the necessary data and keeps track of running Solvers.

The API exposes functions for: * Control of simulations * Manipulation of parameters * Extracting information * Generating spin configurations and transitions * Logging messages * Reading spin configurations * Saving datafiles

State Managment

To create a new state with one chain containing a single image, initialized by an input file, and run the most simple example of a spin dynamics simulation:

#import "Spirit/State.h"
#import "Spirit/Simulation.h"

const char * cfgfile = "input/input.cfg";    // Input file
State * p_state = State_Setup(cfgfile);      // State setup
Simulation_PlayPause(p_state, "LLG", "SIB"); // Start a LLG simulation using the SIB solver
State_Delete(p_state)                        // State cleanup

A new state can be created with State_Setup(), where you can pass a config file specifying your initial system parameters. If you do not pass a config file, the implemented defaults are used. Note that you currently cannot change the geometry of the systems in your state once they are initialized.

The State struct is passed around in an application to make the simulation’s state available.

State manipulation function Retur n Effe ct
State_Setup( const char * config_file ) ``Sta te *` ` Crea te new stat e by pass ing a conf ig file
State_Update( State * ) voi d Upda te the stat e to hold curr ent valu es
State_Delete( State * ) voi d Dele te a stat e
State_To_Config( State *, const char * config_file, const ch ar * original_config_file) voi d Writ e a conf ig file whic h will resu lt in the same stat e if used in ``St ate_ Setu p()` `
State_DateTime( State * ) ``con st ch ar *` ` Get date time tag of the crea tion of the stat e


System Information Return Effect
System_Get_Index( State *) int Returns System’s Index
System_Get_NOS( State *, int idx_image , int idx_chain ) int Return System’s number of spins
System Data Return Effe ct
System_Get_Spin_Directions( State *, int idx_image, int id x_chain ) scal ar * Get Syst em’s spin dire ctio n
System_Get_Spin_Effective_Field( State *, int idx_image, i nt idx_chain ) scal ar * Get Syst em’s spin effe ctiv e fiel d
System_Get_Rx( State *, int idx_image, int idx_chain) floa t Get a Syst em’s reac tion coor dina te in it’s chai n
``System_Get_Energy( State *, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) `` floa t Get Syst em’s ener gy
System_Get_Energy_Array( State * energies, float * energie s, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) ``void `` Ener gy Arra y (Sho uld NOT be used )
System Output Effect
System_Print_Energy_Array( State *, int idx_image, int idx_chai n) Print on the consol e State’ s energy array
System Update Effect
System_Update_Data( State *, int idx_image, int idx_chain) Update State’ s data. Used mainly for plotti ng


With Simulation_* functions one can control and get information from the State’s Solvers and their Methods.

Simulation Basics Effect
Simulation_SingleShot( State *, const char * c_method_type, con st char * c_solver_type, int n_iterations, int n_iterations_log, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) Execut es a single Optimi zation iterat ion with a given method (CAUTI ON! does not check for alread y runnin g simula tions)
Simulation_PlayPause( State *, const char * c_method_type, cons t char * c_solver_type, int n_iterations, int n_iterations_log, i nt idx_image, int idx_chain ) Play/P ause functi onalit y
Simulation_Stop_All( State * ) Stop all State’ s simula tions
Simulation Data Return Effe ct
Simulation_Get_MaxTorqueComponent( State *, int idx_i mage, int idx_chain ) float Get Simu lati on’s maxi mum torq ue comp onen t
Simulation_Get_IterationsPerSecond( State *, int idx_ image, int idx_chain ) float Get Simu lati on’s iter atio ns per seco nd
Simulation_Get_Solver_Name( State *, int idx_image, i nt idx_chain ) const cha r * Get Solv er’s name
Simulation_Get_Method_Name( State *, int idx_image, i nt idx_chain ) const cha r * Get Meth od’s name
Simulation Running Checking Return
Simulation_Running_Any_Anywhere( State * ) bool
Simulation_Running_LLG_Anywhere( State * ) bool
Simulation_Running_GNEB_Anywhere( State * ) bool
Simulation_Running_LLG_Chain( State *state, int idx_chain ) bool
Simulation_Running_Any( State *, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) bool
Simulation_Running_LLG( State *, int idx_image, int idx_chain) bool
Simulation_Running_GNEB( State *, int idx_chain ) bool
Simulation_Running_MMF( State * ) bool


Geometry Data Return
Geometry_Get_Spin_Positions( State *, int idx_image, int idx_c hain ) scala r *
Geometry_Get_Bounds( State *, float min[3], float max[3], int idx_image, int idx_chain ) ``void` `
Geometry_Get_Center( State *, float center[3], int idx_image, int idx_chain ) ``void` `
``Geometry_Get_Cell_Bounds( State *, float min[3], float max[3],
int idx_image, int idx_chain )``
``void` `
Geometry_Get_Basis_Vectors( State *, float a[3], float b[3], f loat c[3], int idx_image, int idx_chain ) int
Geometry_Get_N_Basis_Atoms( State *, int idx_image, int idx_ch ain ) ``void` `
Geometry_Get_N_Cells( State *, int n_cells[3], int idx_image, int idx_chain ) ``void` `
Geometry_Get_Translation_Vectors( State *, float ta[3], float tb[3], float tc[3], int idx_image, int idx_chain ) ``void` `
Geometry_Get_Dimensionality( State *, int idx_image, int idx_c hain ) int
Geometry_Get_Triangulation( State *, const int **indices_ptr, int n_cell_step, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) int


Transitions Return Effect
``Transition_Homogeneous( State *, int idx_1, int idx_2,
int idx_chain=-1)``
Transition_Add_Noise_Temperature( State *, float tempe rature, int idx_1, int idx_2, int idx_chain) void


Quantities Return Effect
Quantity_Get_Magnetization( State *, float m[3], int i dx_image, int idx_chain ) void
Quantity_Get_Topological_Charge( State *, int idx_imag e, int idx_chain ) ``float` `


LLG Parameters Set Retu rn Effect
Parameters_Set_LLG_Time_Step( State *, float dt, int idx_i mage, int idx_chain ) vo id
Parameters_Set_LLG_Damping( State *, float damping, int id x_image, int idx_chain ) vo id
Parameters_Set_LLG_N_Iterations( State *, int n_iterations , int idx_image, int idx_chain ) vo id
GNEB Parameters Set Retu rn Effect
Parameters_Set_GNEB_Spring_Constant( State *, float spring _constant, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) vo id
Parameters_Set_GNEB_Climbing_Falling( State *, int image_t ype, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) vo id
Parameters_Set_GNEB_N_Iterations( State *, int n_iteration s, int idx_chain ) vo id
LLG Parameters Get Retu rn Effect
Parameters_Get_LLG_Time_Step( State *, float * dt, int idx _image, int idx_chain) vo id
Parameters_Get_LLG_Damping( State *, float * damping, int idx_image, int idx_chain) vo id
Parameters_Get_LLG_N_Iterations( State *, int idx_image, i nt idx_chain) vo id
GNEB Parameters Get Retu rn Effect
Parameters_Get_GNEB_Spring_Constant( State *, float * spri ng_constant, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) vo id
Parameters_Get_GNEB_Climbing_Falling( State *, int * image _type, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) vo id
``Parameters_Get_GNEB_N_Iterations( State *, int idx_chain ) `` in t
Parameters_Get_GNEB_N_Energy_Interpolations( State *, int idx_chain ) in t


Get Chain’s information

Chain Info Return Effect
Chain_Get_Index( State * ) int
Chain_Get_NOI( State *, int idx_chain ) int

Move between images (change active_image )

Chain moving Return
Chain_prev_Image( State *, int idx_chain ) bool
Chain_next_Image( State *, int idx_chain ) bool
Chain_Jump_To_Image( State *, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) bool

Insertion/deletion and replacement of images are done by

Chain control Return
Chain_Image_to_Clipboard( State *, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) void
Chain_Replace_Image( State *, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) void
Chain_Insert_Image_Before( State *, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) void
Chain_Insert_Image_After( State *, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) void
Chain_Push_Back( State *, int idx_chain ) void
Chain_Delete_Image( State *, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) bool
Chain_Pop_Back( State *, int idx_chain ) bool
Chain data Return
Chain_Get_Rx( State *, float* Rx, int idx_chain ) ``void ``
Chain_Get_Rx_Interpolated( State *, float * Rx_interpolated, in t idx_chain ) ``void ``
Chain_Get_Energy( State *, float* energy, int idx_chain ) ``void ``
Chain_Get_Energy_Interpolated( State *, float* E_interpolated, int idx_chain ) ``void ``
Chain data update Return
Chain_Update_Data( State *, int idx_chain ) void
Chain_Setup_Data( State *, int idx_chain ) void


Set Hamiltonian’s parameters

Hamiltonian Set Retur n
Hamiltonian_Set_Boundary_Conditions( State *, const bool* period ical, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) voi d
Hamiltonian_Set_mu_s( State *, float mu_s, int idx_image, int id x_chain ) voi d
Hamiltonian_Set_Field( State *, float magnitude, const float* no rmal, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) voi d
Hamiltonian_Set_Exchange( State *, int n_shells, const float* ji j, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) voi d
Hamiltonian_Set_DMI( State *, float dij, int idx_image, int idx_ chain ) voi d
Hamiltonian_Set_BQE( State *, float dij, int idx_image, int idx_ chain ) voi d
Hamiltonian_Set_FSC( State *, float dij, int idx_image, int idx_ chain ) voi d
Hamiltonian_Set_Anisotropy( State *, float magnitude, const floa t* normal, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) voi d
Hamiltonian_Set_STT( State *, float magnitude, const float * nor mal, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) voi d
Hamiltonian_Set_Temperature( State *, float T, int idx_image, in t idx_chain ) voi d

Get Hamiltonian’s parameters

Hamiltonian Get Return
Hamiltonian_Get_Name( State *, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) const c har *
Hamiltonian_Get_Boundary_Conditions( State *, bool* periodic al, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) void
Hamiltonian_Get_mu_s( State *, float* mu_s, int idx_image, i nt idx_chain ) void
Hamiltonian_Get_Field( State *, float* magnitude, float* nor mal, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) void
Hamiltonian_Get_Exchange( State *, int* n_shells, float* jij , int idx_image, int idx_chain ) void
Hamiltonian_Get_Anisotropy( State *, float* magnitude, float * normal, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) void
``Hamiltonian_Get_DMI( State , float dij, int idx_image, int
idx_chain )``
``Hamiltonian_Get_BQE( State , float dij, int idx_image, int
idx_chain )``
``Hamiltonian_Get_FSC( State , float dij, int idx_image, int
idx_chain )``
Hamiltonian_Get_STT( State *, float* magnitude, float* norma l, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) void
Hamiltonian_Get_Temperature( State *, float* T, int idx_imag e, int idx_chain ) void


Constants Return Description
Constants_mu_B() scalar The Bohr Magneton [meV / T]
Constants_k_B() scalar The Boltzmann constant [meV / K]


Log Utilities Retur n Effect
Log_Send( State *, int level, int sender, const char * m essage, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) voi d Send a Log message
Log_Get_Entries( State * ) std ::vec tor<U tilit y::Lo gEntr y> Get the entries from the Log and write new number of entries into given int
Log_Append( State * ) voi d Append the Log to it’s file
Log_Dump( State * ) voi d Dump the Log into it’s file
Log_Get_N_Entries( State * ) ``int `` Get the number of Log entries
Log_Get_N_Errors( State * ) ``int `` Get the number of errors in the Log
Log_Get_N_Warnings( State * ) ``int `` Get the number of warning s in the Log

Log macro variables for Levels

Log Levels value
Log_Level_All 0
Log_Level_Severe 1
Log_Level_Error 2
Log_Level_Warning 3
Log_Level_Parameter 4
Log_Level_Info 5
Log_Level_Debug 6

Log macro variables for Senders

Log Senders value
Log_Sender_All 0
Log_Sender_IO 1
Log_Sender_GNEB 2
Log_Sender_LLG 3
Log_Sender_MC 4
Log_Sender_MMF 5
Log_Sender_API 6
Log_Sender_UI 7


Macros of File Formats for Vector Fields values Description
IO_Fileformat_Regular 0 sx sy sz (separated by whitespace)
IO_Fileformat_Regular_Pos 1 px py pz sx sy sz (separated by whitespace)
IO_Fileformat_CSV 2 sx, sy, sz (separated by commas)
IO_Fileformat_CSV_Pos 3 px, py, pz, sx, sy, (sz separated by commas)
IO_Fileformat_OVF_bin8 4 OOMMF vector field (OVF) v2.0 file format
IO_Fileformat_OVF_text 6  

Read and Write functions

Images IO Retur n
``IO_N_Images_In_File( State *state, const char *file, int format,
int idx_chain )``
``int ``
IO_Image_Write( State *state, const char *file, int format, cons t char *comment, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) voi d
IO_Image_Append( State *state, const char *file, int format, con st char *comment, int idx_image, int idx_chain ) voi d
IO_Image_Read( State *state, const char *file, int format, int i dx_image_infile, int idx_image_inchain, int idx_chain ) voi d
Chains IO Retur n
IO_Chain_Write( State *state, const char *file, int format,  con st char *comment, int idx_chain ) voi d
IO_Chain_Append( State *state, const char *file, int format, con st char *comment, int idx_chain ) voi d
IO_Chain_Read( State *state, const char *file, int format, int s tarting_image, int ending_image, int insert_idx, int idx_chain ) voi d

Energies from System and Chain

System Energies Return
``IO_Image_Write_Energy_per_Spin( State , const char file, int
idx_image, int idx_chain )``
``void` `
IO_Image_Write_Energy( State *, const char* file, int idx_imag e, int idx_chain ) ``void` `
Chain Energies Return
IO_Chain_Write_Energies( State *, const char* file, int idx_ch ain ) ``void` `
IO_Chain_Write_Energies_Interpolated( State *, const char* fil e, int idx_chain ) ``void` `
