
#include "Spirit/Transitions.h"

Setting transitions between spin configurations over a chain.


void Transition_Homogeneous(State *state, int idx_1, int idx_2, int idx_chain=-1)

A linear interpolation between two spin configurations on a chain.

The spins are moved along great circles connecting the start and end points, making it the shortest possible connection path between the two configurations.

  • idx_1: the index of the first image
  • idx_2: the index of the second image. idx_2 > idx_1 is required


void Transition_Add_Noise_Temperature(State *state, float temperature, int idx_1, int idx_2, int idx_chain=-1)

Adds some stochastic noise to the transition between two images.

  • temperature: a measure of the intensity of the noise
  • idx_1: the index of the first image
  • idx_2: the index of the second image. idx_2 > idx_1 is required